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Lake & Pond Mangement


Why Aerate?

               All lakes and ponds contain contain varying amounts of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen. When these nutrient levels become too high they adversely impact fish, other aquatic life. This is especially a problem during the warmer summer months and can cause a marked decrease in water quality. These high levels of nutrients stimulate excessive growth of algae and other less desireable aquatic plants. The concentrations of dissolved oxygen decline when there is an algae bloom which in turn will cause other aquatic organisms to die. The high levels of nutrients are further increased by the decomposing material which is now settling to the bottom. Algae Bloom Here is a list of some problems that occur due to lack of or inadequate aeration:
  • Algal Blooms (Excessive Amounts of Algae)
  • Excessive Quantities of Aquatic Plants (Weeds)
  • High Dissolved Metal Concentrations (Iron & Manganese)
  • Stress to Fish and Other Forms of Aquatic Life (Fish Kills)
  • Shallowness Due to the Accumulation of Sediment
  • Nutrient Releases  from Decomposition
  • Buildup and Release of Noxious Odors

Methods of Aeration?


   Kasco xtreme   Kasco xtreme

Kasco's xStream™ Fountain

Model 2400SF Kasco Xstream Fountain

Unique and Inclusive — Ability to change to over 30 laminar stream patterns and also includes one high flow V-shaped pattern. Pattern heights up to 8.5 feet.

Complete — Fountain includes multiple-pattern nozzle, dual debris screening, three mooring lines, and control panel with timer, ground fault interrupter, and photo-eye for lights. Power cord length options of 50, 100, 150, or 200 feet.xtream at night

Versatile — Decorate water gardens or enhance large ponds with a stunning center display.

Easy to Install — Small, portable size. Minimal assembly.

Energy efficient — 1/2 HP motor, 120 Volt, 6.6 - 7.3 running amps (depending on pattern)

Approved — ETL approved to UL and CSA standards as a complete package

Subsurface Aeration

AirMax Eco Sytems offers a wide range of Subsurface aeration that is sized to meet the needs of each lake or pond you are caring for.
Airmax Large Lake aeration
Systems are sized based on the depth of the water and surface area. Shown here is a system that can handle up to 6 acres of water over 6' deep.
Pond and Lake Management Display



The Pond and Lake Aeration Display will let customers know you are prepared to help them keep their pond attractive and healthy.

Contact us for information on how you can qualify for a "payback" towards getting a display for your store.

Treatments for Lake and Pond Management

Pond & Lake Treatments

Airmax has a wide range of treatments that are specifically designed to be used in Lakes and Ponds. They can be purchased individually or as part of a complete treatment rack. This treatment rack can be ordered either with or without chemicals. The usage of chemicals is regulated by some states. If your shop is in one of the regulated states be sure to order the rack without chemicals.
Please click here for listing of what is included in the Lake and Pond Treatment Rack.
A well stocked display rack such as this will clearly convince your customers that you are the "go to" place for Lake and Pond Management.

Use these treatments with proper Aeration for best results.

Airmax Ecosystem

Updated 11-19-12

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